Wednesday 21 April 2010

Minerals And Vitamins For Women

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Every individual has to achieve the recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals everyday. However, there are certain times in a woman’s life, such as pregnancy or menopause, where you need more of a certain kind of vitamin or mineral than most people.

Pregnancy is a crucial stage in a woman’s life. A pregnant woman not only has to take care of herself, but also to make sure that she is providing her baby with adequate amounts of nutrients. Intake of prenatal vitamins decreases the risk of giving birth to babies with low birth weight, which is a major factor in infant deaths. A study in India revealed that women taking prenatal vitamins gave birth to babies 98 grams heavier than those born to mothers taking placebo.

A specific vitamin that a pregnant mother has to take more of is folate. Folate, or folic acid, has been shown to prevent the development of birth defects in the fetus and decrease the risk of premature deliveries. Aside from this, it has also been shown to support the normal growth of cells and prevent the development of anemia.

Folic acid can be obtained from food sources, such as green leafy vegetables, beans and grains. Generally, women are required to take 400 mcg of folic acid. However, pregnant women need more of the vitamin, approximately 600 mcg. Breastfeeding mothers, on the other hand, may take 500 mcg of folic acid a day.

Iron is also an important mineral during pregnancy. Iron prevents the development of anemia and strengthens your immunity. Iron-rich sources include red meat and green leafy vegetables. Pregnant women require a higher dose of iron, approximately 27 mg, compared to the 18 mg women under the age of 50 need.

Vitamin K may also help during pregnancy. Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, which can help prevent bleeding complications during pregnancy. Good sources of Vitamin K are green leafy vegetables.

Aside from pregnancy, menopause is also an important stage in a woman’s life. Numerous menopausal women experience osteoporosis, a disease brought about by lack of calcium stores in the body.

Throughout her life, a woman has to build up her calcium stores to make sure that she does not develop osteoporosis. Thus, it is necessary for you to increase your intake of calcium and Vitamin D. Vitamin D can help in preventing osteoporosis by strengthening your bones. Generally, enough amounts of Vitamin D can be absorbed from exposure to sunlight.

Meanwhile, calcium is also important in preventing osteoporosis. Calcium not only strengthens your bones, but also helps in muscle contraction and blood clotting. Some sources also say that intake of calcium can help with pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS. Calcium is available from dairy products and tofu. However, the increased requirement for calcium may require you to also take calcium supplements. For women below 50, it is recommended that you take 1000 mg of calcium, while for those older than 50, 1200 mg is recommended daily.

Of course, other vitamins and minerals are also necessary for all women. These include Vitamin A, to boost your immunity; Vitamin C, to promote healing and prevent the development of heart disease; Vitamin E, to prevent cell damage; and Vitamin B complex, to strengthen your immunity.

As a woman, you have to remember that you have different needs depending on what stage of life you are in. Make sure you provide your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body needs. This ensures that you are protected and healthy in every stage of your life.

ABSTRACT: Women have different nutritional needs, depending on her stage of life. It is important to tailor your nutritional intake to your specific needs to ensure that you get adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in your body.

By Mario Churchill

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Saturday 17 April 2010

Vitamins, Minerals And Growth

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Each and every bodily process has its base in the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are consumed, and the process of growth is no exception. From the growth and development that takes place in the uterus to infants growing into children to children growing into adolescence and then adulthood, nutrition influences every level of growth. Improper nutrition not only can slow growth, but also can cause birth defects and malformed limbs, as well as a variety of other physical deformities.

The vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex are truly an amazing group. Necessary to many physical and mental structures and functions of the body, including cognitive and emotional functioning, the Vitamin B complex is also essential to the proper growth of children. In particular, Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, due to its cobalt content, is an important part of normal growth in children. It also serves to build genetic material and to maintain the central nervous system. Children need .9 micrograms to 2.4 micrograms, depending on size and age. Folic acid, or Vitamin B9, is also essential to growth, especially in the uterus. Sufficient folic acid taken during the earliest parts of pregnancy can prevent serious birth defects, specifically neural tube defects of the sort that result in spinal bifida. It also serves to create and form DNA.

The mineral zinc is also essential to the normal growth of children, as is iodine, which is essential to the functioning of the thyroid, and thus influences body weight. In the developing nations, specifically where the soil that crops are grown in lack iodine and iodized salt is not common, retarded growth is all too common. Children, depending on age and size need 10mg to 15mg of zinc daily and 70 micrograms to 150 micrograms of iodine each day.

The quality of the growth of bones rests firmly upon the levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K present in the body. These nutrients work together, each according to its specific capacities, complementing each other in the creation of the hard surfaces of the bones and teeth. Because the bones are constantly losing calcium, which needs to be continuously replaced, and the rapid growth that occurs from the development in the uterus right through adulthood, maintaining the levels of these nutrients is essential to normal growth.

It can sometimes be difficult to get children and adolescents to consume all the nutrients that are so essential to their growth and health. Nutritional supplements can be a safe and reliable means of seeing that children and adolescents reach the standard recommended daily intake levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients each and every day. However, because taking too much of certain vitamins and minerals can cause serious health problems, it is advisable to have the child’s primary health care provider serve as an active participant in devising a nutritional supplement plan that is specific to your child’s dietary needs. Always keep dietary supplements well out of reach of children to avoid any potentially harmful accidents.

By Tim Henry

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Monday 12 April 2010

Vitamins and Minerals - What is Best For You

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For all of us that are truly dedicated in only eating foods, and vitamins, minerals along with all other substances that are of a purely natural basis, must be their very own anti-chemical ingredient vigilante. All though so many supplement makers around the world have long ago caught up on the ways of keeping their vitamins and minerals fully natural, there are still a good number more out there that will more often than not claim to be in the all natural zones for their supplemental vitamin and mineral products.

But after taking a closer look of the full ingredients listings in many of these products, there just happens to be at least one unnatural ingredient that is within the makeup of a good many falsely claiming vitamins and supplements out there upon our average market shelves of today. Just as anything else that is put into our bodies, all of the ingredients that fully makes up each and every natural claiming and non-natural claiming vitamin or mineral that are stocked upon the health food stores and pharmacies, just as the regular limited stores for normally supplying vitamins and minerals.

Just as it is true for the makeup, skin and beauty industries of past and today, we must all be fully aware of each and every ingredient that makes up those top names and other favorite products whether these products are of the physical applications or the oral application means. When it comes to the true importance of our very own overall health, beauty of youthful means, and mental alertness, along with our top-notch physical well being for the long haul, we must be willing to be the first in taking control of what actually goes into our bodies.

For the best optimum results, a good number of studies now show that reading the fine print truly can make the difference in what will appropriately work for you and your body in the long haul. With a little time of making yourself aware of what are known natural ingredients and what are only those words that will quickly fool you in the depths of unnatural misconceptions, there will be a full awareness growth personally, and no mistakes of making the wrong types of personal health building vitamin and mineral supplements in the end of the very wide array of today's choices.

Just as anything else that is truly important to our human existence, being fully aware of what is healthy and what is unhealthy must be abide by for a true youthful and healthy you!

The role of vitamins and minerals not only helps in healthy life but has amazing effects in anti aging properties as well. One of the main causes of aging is nutritional deficiency. It is said that a healthy life span of a human being is 120years with proper nutritional supplement we can lead a safe life till our last breath. Many online companies guarantee complete nutritional support. It would be really worthwhile if you can find the list of essential vitamins and compare them with the ingredient list in the supplement, which is bit painful.

By Rita Ronald

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Thursday 8 April 2010

Vitamins And Minerals

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Life Giving Vitamins
Have you ever thought to yourself, what vitamin is good for which ailment? Well here you go. A complete listing of vitamins, their food source, and their main role.

Vitamin A
For the maintenance of skin, mucous membranes, bones, teeth, and hair; eye sight. Their sources are: green vegetables, melon, squash, tomatoes.

Vitamin D
Helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous; needed for bone growth and maintenance Their sources are: fish-liver oils, sprouted seeds, mushrooms, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin E
Helps form red blood cells; prevents oxidation damage. Their sources are: nuts and grains. Green leafy vegetables.Cold pressed olive oil.

Vitamin K
Needed for blood clotting, liver function. Their sources are: Kelp, Alfalfa, soybean oil.

Vitamin B1
Helps release energy from carbohydrates and nervous system function. Their sources are: Brewer's yeast, wheat germ/bran, whole-grain cereals.

Vitamin B2
Helps release energy from foods. Essential for healthy eyes, skin, nails and hair. Their sources are: Whole grains, brewer's yeast, torula yeast, wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds,cooked leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B3
Needed for nervous and digestive system functions;essential for protein and carb metabolism. Their sources are: wheat germ, rice bran, nuts, sunflower seeds, brown rice.

Vitamin B6
helps form red blood cells. Important for normal reproductive processes and healthy pregnancies. Their sources are: Brewer's yeast, bananas, avocado, wheat germ/bran, soybeans, black strap molasses, cantaloupe.

Vitamin B12
Helps form red blood cells.Prevents anemia Their sources are: sunflower seeds, comfrey leaves, kelp, bananas, peanuts, raw wheat germ.

Folic acid
formation of red blood cells, the healing process and aids in the metabolism of proteins and contributes to normal growth. Their sources are: Deep green leafy vegetables, lima beans, spinach, nuts, broccoli.

Pantothenic acid
Wards off infections and speeds recovery from illnesses. Their sources are: Royal jelly, whole-grain breads/cereals, green vegetables, peanuts.

Prevents hair loss, Involved in metabolism of proteins and fats. Their sources are: Brewer's yeast, soybeans, unpolished rice.

Vitamin C
Necessary for healthy teeth, gums and bones. Essential for proper functioning of adrenal and thyroid glands. Their sources are: All fresh fruits and vegetables, strawberries, apples, cabbage, tomatoes.

Needed for bone and tooth formation; Their sources are: Dark leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, oats, navy beans, almonds.

Works together with calcium and must be balanced to be effective. Needed for building bones and teeth. Their sources are: Whole-grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, dried fruit, corn.

Needed for healthy muscle tone and healthy bones and heart. Their sources are: Nuts, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, figs, apples, lemons, peaches, almonds, salmon.

Important in keeping acid-alkaline balance in the blood. Essential for muscle contraction and normal heart beat. Their sources are: Green leafy vegetables, oranges, whole grains.

Regulates fluid and acid base balance; sodium is necessary for hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. Their sources are: Kelp, celery, romaine lettuce, watermelon, sea salt.

Vital for healthy skin, hair and nails. Aids in reducing oxidation. Their sources are: Radish, turnip,onions, celery, horseradish, watercress.

Essential for the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen from the lungs to every cell of the body. Their sources are: Apricots,peaches, bananas, black molasses, prunes, raisins, whole grain cereals, turnip greens, spinach, dry beans.

aids in wound healing, growth, tissue repair, and sexual development Their sources are: Wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, brewer's yeast, onions, oysters, green leafy vegetables.

Essential in the formation of thyroxin - the thyroid hormone which regulates much of physical and mental activity. Their sources are: Seaweed, swiss chard, turnip greens, garlic, watercress, pineapple, pears, citrus, seafood and fish liver oils.

Iron cannot be absorbed without copper.Involved in protein metabolism, in healing processes and in keeping hair's natural color. Their sources are: Same as Iron. Also almonds, peas, beans, green leafy vegetables, whole grain products, prunes, raisins.

Importantly involved in the metabolism of carbs, fats and proteins. Their sources are: Spinach, beets, blueberries, oranges, grapefruit, apricots, kelp, green leafy vegetables.

Essential for bone and tooth building. Protects against infections. Their sources are: sunflower seeds, carrots, garlic, almonds.

Who might be a good candidate for vitamin or mineral Supplements
-Pregnant women and nursing mothers
-The chronically ill
-Heavy drinkers
-Cigarette smokers whose vitamin C levels are often low
-The elderly
-Those recovering from infection or surgery
-Vegans (strict vegetarians) who may need vitamin B12
-Women of child-bearing age who may need Iron

By Andy Casasanta

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Saturday 3 April 2010

Why Are Vitamin Mineral Supplements Essential?

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Some people think that getting over-the-counter supplements like Vitamin C and Vitamin E are enough for daily living. But besides the guarantees given by these vitamins, it is better if you consider mineral supplements with it instead. Yes, there is a difference between taking vitamins alone than when you consider an intake of vitamin mineral supplements. The terms may be somewhat confusing so before proceeding to the essence of taking vitamins and minerals all together, it is best to define these two terms.

Vitamins are defined as organic substances that are essential to nutrition. They can be taken in small quantities and are often found in the food you eat. Some vitamins are also produced by the body but the most popular vitamins you may know of are those that can be bought from drugstores. From these features of vitamins, you may now see why it is best to have vitamin mineral supplements than vitamins alone. To convince you further, take a look at what minerals are all about.

Minerals, on the other hand are inorganic substances coming from nature. These are generally described as those that we can derive from rocks or from the ground. As a nutritive substance, it is also inorganic and does not come from plant or animals. Minerals may be used up by people and other forms of living things. Human beings should take mineral supplements to make sure that the requirement of over 80 minerals in the body will be complied with. With this, you are now ready to look into the essence of vitamin mineral supplements.

Vitamins and minerals are two terms that are often interchanged. As defined above, vitamins are organic substances while minerals are inorganic. The importance of taking vitamin mineral supplements extends to the fact that you need something that will form your bones and compose your body fluids. Mineral supplements should be considered as a great help in order for all your body's systems to function properly – from the digestive system and cardiovascular system to the more general immune system.

Vitamin mineral supplements are not created just for manufacturers to derive income from the sale of such products. Some of the service providers out there look into the necessity of mineral supplements in daily diet that is why they are created. Think of the depleted soil where fruits and vegetables grow and you will realize that vital nutrients have already been removed. Imagine the many processes that the so-called natural products go through and you will surely be convinced of the need to incorporate these supplements in your diet.

Before you ever doubt the honesty of manufacturers who sell mineral supplements in the market, try to give more scrutiny to the benefits you will derive from such products. You should look at things positively and you will happen to realize that vitamin mineral supplements work hand-in-hand with your choice of a healthy diet. If you do not want to waste your money, always go for reputable manufacturers out there. Truth is that there are already a lot of huge names in this industry that you may consider including on your list.

By Jhoana Cooper

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Tuesday 30 March 2010

Drugs, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

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Many people nowadays are turning to "organics" and "naturals" otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, "green" dietary supplementing machine.

What are vitamins, minerals, supplements and drugs?

DRUGS are chemicals that can prevent, prolong the life, treat other effects of a health condition, improve the quality of life, and/or cure ailments and diseases, or alter the function of any part or chemicals inside the body. These drugs have approved therapeutic claims.

VITAMINS are natural substances found in living things such as plants. Vitamins must be obtained in the body from foods or supplements as they cannot usually be produced by the body.

MINERALS are found in plants. Plants get their minerals from the soil ' soil gets minerals from water washing over rocks. For vitamins to do their job, they require minerals. Minerals must also be obtained from food or supplements.

SUPPLEMENTS are vitamins and minerals that have been extracted from a plant or created in a laboratory and put into a form that can be ingested and used by the body. They are effective supplements, ineffective supplements and hazardous supplements. Herbal supplements are not classified as drugs but as dietary supplements.

Most of the manufactured medicines we now have once came from animals and plants. Through the years, chemists isolated the life-saving or life-curing components and separated them from the harmful ones. This lead to the further drug research and drug development that lead to the production of a different variety of drugs for many ailments and conditions from synthetic sources. But still we have semi-synthetic drugs, as well as drug that more or less approximate more natural composition. Since herbal supplements are made from a mixture of crude herbs reduced into powder or gel form, and later on packaged as tablets and capsules, there is a possibility that life-threatening or at least body chemistry-altering components are still present, thus the expression of concern from the medical community.

Vitamins and minerals go from your stomach to your intestines. They then go through a very complex allocation system whereby the body distributes certain vitamins and minerals to parts of your body based on its own priority system.

If a nutrient is needed in a certain organ that if (the body) deems more important, it will take the nutrient from a less important organ, and allocate it to a more important organ. Sort of a "rob Peter to pay Paul" action. That's why it is critical to maintain proper vitamin & mineral levels.

Vitamins and minerals in your body should not be viewed as independent substances, but rather as a cooperative network of nutrients working together. If one nutrient is missing, it throws the entire network of nutrients out of balance.

In his book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch says: "A deficiency of a vitamin or mineral will cause a body part to malfunction and eventually break down ' and, like dominos, other body parts will follow."

What do Vitamins and Minerals Do for You?

Illness and disease are not "caught." One doesn't catch cancer, heart disease or a cold. You create these ailments with deficiencies based on what you eat or don't eat.

Vitamins & minerals are involved in the release of energy from digested foods. Strong, lasting energy levels are good indicators of healthy vitamin and mineral intake.

Skin clearness, tone, and elasticity; hair strength, thickness and color; fingernail strength, color and texture all depend on vitamins and minerals. Some people don't look 50 years old at 30. Some look 30 at 50.

Brain function, ability to concentrate and memory require proper vitamin and mineral levels.

Is there a growing concern with the use of herbal supplements?

Yes. With the rising popularity of using and consuming anything herbal or organic is the proliferation of fake herbal supplements that threaten to endanger lives. If that's the case, then why are herbal supplements given drug administration approvals? One way of ensuring the safety of the people is to have all candidate drugs, food, drinks, and dietary supplements registered with the proper authority.

Otherwise, they would pose more risk with these things being sold in the black market for a hefty sum. We could ensure the quality and safety of herbal supplements if they get proper classification with the food and drug administration. Moreover, people may be able to file the proper complaints in the event a worsening of health condition is proven to be linked to the use of a particular herbal supplement.

Is using herbal supplements worth the risk?

Yes. It cannot be discounted that many who have tried herbal supplements experienced an improvement in their health whether this is due to the herbals themselves or due to a placebo effect, as long as they do not worsen the condition of an individual, then using them is worth the risk. But of course, certain things must be considered before taking those herbal supplements

First of all, clear your condition with your doctor. Ask him/her if taking a particular herbal supplement is safe given your current health. People with heart, liver, or kidney trouble or malfunction, are usually not advised to take these, or at the minimum is to take these herbals in minimum amounts. All substances pass through the liver and kidney to be processed and filtered respectively. Kava, which is used to relieve people from stress, has been pulled out from the Canadian, Singaporean, and German markets because it contains substances that cause liver damage. Certain herbals such as Ephedra used for losing weight, contains chemicals with heart-inducing effects that can increase heart rate, which in turn can exhaust the heart and cause heart attacks in several documented cases by the American Medical Association.

No matter how the product pamphlet or the label of the bottle sounds about how it has been found to be helpful in certain health conditions, these herbal supplements are not therapeutic. So do not substitute these for the medications prescribed by your doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, or for the maintenance of blood pressure, lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol, and fight off infections.

By Dr Robin Rushlo

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Friday 26 March 2010

5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin, Mineral And Antioxidant Supplements

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There is a vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement store in almost every shopping mall in the United States. We can also find vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement shelves in almost every super market. More and more people are taking food supplements today.

But there are quite a few people who still refuse to take vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements. They think that their diet is good enough and that they do not need to take any supplements. Theoretically what they are saying may be true, but in reality it is not possible to obtain all your nutritional needs from just the food you consume.

Here are 5 reasons why vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements are necessary in our daily life:

1. Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet every day is a difficult task.
The USDA Food Consumption Survey discovered that only 3 % of those surveyed actually ate healthful and balanced diets. And no one met the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances - which are set by the U. S. government about daily intakes.) consumption of vitamins and minerals.

2. The food you eat now does not contain the same amount of nutrition as it did in the past.
The nutrients in a soil have been exhausted over the years and the vegetables and fruits grown on the farm have been loosing its nutritious values. Therefore, the same amount of broccoli, for instance, contains less calcium and vitamin C than it did 50 years ago.

3. The over processed and preservative added food removes important nutrients.
Consuming even a very good diet is not sufficient if most of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in our food are diminished by over processing and adding preservatives.

4. The RDA is only the lowest level of nutrient intakes that will prevent deficiencies in apparently healthy human beings.
The RDA was developed originally to help people reduce the rates of contracting severe nutritional deficiencies, like scurvy, rickets, beriberi and so forth which are rarely seen in our modern world. Instead, what we should be concerned with in this industrialized world are the degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and so forth. In order to prevent the degenerative diseases, we need to consume every day the optimal level of nutrients, beyond the RDA recommended level.

5. Complete nutritional intake is necessary for optimal health.
Using scientifically researched, complete and balanced, and quality nutritional supplements assures the necessary dietary intake for optimal health.

Choosing the quality vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements with safety, balance, completeness and potency in mind will help apparently healthy people stay healthy while lowering the provability of contracting degenerative diseases and enjoying a healthier and longer life.

By Miko Matics

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